VIDEO: “Happy” Flash Mob at NAIA Terminal 2

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2014 • 06 • 13

Passengers of Flight PR2659 from Dubai received a not-so-usual welcome when they arrived at NAIA Terminal 2 on June 12.

As part of the Independence Day celebration, Philippine Airlines paid tribute to overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) who came home on that day. Onboard, they were given a “Welcome Home, Hero” letter thanking them for “sacrificing so much to give (their) loved ones the future they deserve.” They were also greeted by airline and airport staff at the gate. Video below.

But the biggest surprise of all was probably the flash mob that happened at the Arrival Area. The airline crew and Immigration staff performed Pharrell’s “Happy” to entertain the crowd.

Watch the amateur video below!

Here’s a closer look:

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