THE WEEK AT THE BEACH: Best Photos on Instagram (Issue 9)

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2015 • 01 • 04

Each week, we’re stalking Instagram for the best photos that capture our favorite Philippine beaches. Got some amazing snaps to share? Tag them with @philbeaches or #philippinebeachesorg and you just might see it featured here!

We’re insanely jealous of all the wonderful places our fellow travelers visited this week. Check them out below! And don’t forget to follow them on Instagram if you like their snapshots.

1. Kahuna Beach Resort, San Juan, La Union

The surf’s up as always in La Union! Via @jojohahanna.

2. Pujada Bay, Davao Oriental

A photo posted by Karl McKoi (@karl.mikel) on

@karl.mikel shows off the gorgeous cyan waters of Pujada Bay, putting it straight on our bucket list!

3. Boracay, Aklan

A photo posted by Stéphane Pictet (@pictet) on

What would our week be without an awesome sunset snap? Here’s one from @pictet taken in Boracay.

4. Romblon

A photo posted by Vin Voyage (@vinvoyage) on

@vinvoyage‘s photo has us drooling over the pretty pastel hues of Romblon.

5. Saud Beach, Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte

A photo posted by Jaigermeister (@thejaiedit) on

The foamy waves of Pagudpud look so delicious! Photo by @thejaiedit.

6. Mati, Davao Oriental

@rianandezka captures the precious sleeping dinosaur of Mati. Now if only we could take it home as a pet!

7. Punta Malabrigo Beach Resort, Lobo, Batangas

A photo posted by Pamela Andrea (@pamskie82) on

What a beautiful shot of Malabrigo’s pebbled shore! Taken by @pamskie82.

8. Pinsal Falls, Santa Maria, Ilocos Sur

@maryyamat bring us a breathtaking view of Pinsal Falls!

9. Hagonoy Island, Britania Islands, Surigao del Sur

A photo posted by Cathy (@fragilecathy) on

Our toes are curling at the thought of digging our feet into the sands of Hagonoy Island thanks to this pic by @fragilecathy!

10. Paguriran Island, Sorsogon

A photo posted by Deedin Benig (@deedinkydoo) on

And finally, we know this isn’t a picture of a beach but we love @deedinkydoo‘s amazing coral alphabet. Bravo!

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