THE WEEK AT THE BEACH: Best Photos on Instagram (Issue 11)

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2015 • 01 • 19

Each week, we’re stalking Instagram for the best photos that capture our favorite Philippine beaches. Got some amazing snaps to share? Tag them with @philbeaches or #philippinebeachesorg and you just might see it featured here!

From stark seascapes to golden sunrises and secret caves, here’s another installment of The Week At The Beach featuring all the lovely pictures we found on Instagram! Don’t forget to follow these guys if you love their photographs.

1. Baler, Aurora

A photo posted by F (@francespaz) on

We start with a striking capture of Baler’s waves by @francespaz.

2. Bluewater Sumilon Island Resort, Cebu

A photo posted by Gregory Guy (@greg.guy) on

@greg.guy‘s photograph leads to nothing but crystal clear waters!

3. Anda, Bohol

The fine sand of Bohol looks good enough to eat! Taken by @wejusttravel.

4. Occidental Mindoro

A photo posted by @mugimaki_ on

@mugimaki_ offers this stunning minimalist snapshot of sand, sky and sea!

5. Boracay, Aklan

A photo posted by Shie M (@shietravels) on

What a perfectly beautiful moment in Boracay shot by @shietravels!

6. Pungtud/Virgin Island, Panglao, Bohol

A photo posted by Albert Realto (@albertowz) on

@albertowz shows us the interesting seagrass sprinkled sand of the popular Virgin Island in Bohol.

7. Basco, Batanes

A photo posted by las0716 (@las0716) on

We have the powerful landscape of Batanes captured by @las0716.

8. Dahican, Mati, Davao Oriental

A photo posted by Ferina Santos (@ferinasantos) on

Pictured here: another gorgeous sunset to salivate over. By @ferinasantos.

9. Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte

A photo posted by @anne_guzman on

@anne_guzman found what might be the coolest cave in Pagudpud.

10. Miniloc, El Nido, Palawan

A photo posted by @travellingbubbas on

And lastly, the sunrise turns El Nido into gold, no filters needed at all! Via @travellingbubbas.

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