6 Tourist Spots for Your PUERTO GALERA ITINERARY

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Puerto Galera in Oriental Mindoro is a famous beach destination because of its accessibility from Metro Manila and nearby cities. You don’t have to book a flight to reach it. You can go on a whim or leave just before the weekend and have more than enough time to make it back to work by Monday. It also attracts party-goers looking for a good time by the beach. You can easily reach Puerto Galera by bus and boat.

Puerto Galera means “port of galleons”. It got this moniker because it was a safe destination for ships to dock when the Spaniards established one of the oldest settlements by missionaries in the region. This destination has plenty to offer tourists looking for fun things to do and places to visit. Here are some to consider adding to your itinerary.

Relax and Unwind in White Beach

Puerto Galera has a number of beaches you can go to, but the most popular of them all is White Beach. This stretch of whitish sand is busy from morning until night. You will find sunbathers and swimmers, and beachgoers doing all sorts of activities. Rent equipment such as a banana boat, jet ski, and others to enjoy the day. The beach comes alive at night with party-goers going to the bars, grills, and restaurants lining the shore.


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Go Scuba-Diving or Snorkeling

Puerto Galera’s waters are teeming with marine life from corals to fish to turtles. It is a divers’ haven because of the diversity they will find. There are plenty of dive shops offering lessons for beginners and equipment for experienced visitors. The area has around 40 dive sites to choose from, you’ll have plenty of options based on what you want to explore. There are regular reef spots, caves and wrecks to see while diving.

If you don’t have the budget or just not into scuba-diving, you can go snorkeling instead. There are tours offered specifically for this activity. Strap on your snorkel and mask and try to free-dive as deep as you can to see the colorful corals and schools of fish.


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Visit the Baluarte Watchtower

Puerto Galera does not only have natural attractions, it used to be a thriving port for galleons, which means you can still catch a glimpse of its colonial past. In Naujan town, you will find remnants of a watchtower called Baluarte. This structure dates back to the Spanish times and served as a lookout for ships that came and went. Its vantage point allowed the Spaniards to determine if a ship was invading or was just bringing supplies.


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Puerto Galera has beautiful beaches and excellent dive spots but it also has stunning waterfalls worth adding to your itinerary. The most popular ones include Aninuan Falls, Talipanan Falls, Tamaraw Falls, and Tukuran Falls. These waterfalls have cool waters that douse the afternoon heat and beautiful landscapes for pictures. You can hire a driver or join a tour to reach these destinations. Price varies from P1500 to P2000.


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Island-hopping Adventure

Like many other popular destinations in the Philippines, island-hopping is a must during your trip to Puerto Galera. You can rent a boat that can accommodate up to eight people for just around P1500. Tour operators and their agents will find you while walking on the beach. You don’t have to look for them. The trip often includes Haligi Beach, Sandbar Island, Bayanan Beach and a stop at Coral Garden to snorkel. You’ll have to pay an extra P200/destination if you want to go snorkeling. Common spots included in a tour are the San Antonio Island Underwater Cave, Coral Garden and Giant Clams. The beaches have a rugged and beautiful beachscape and turquoise waters that will entice you to take a dip.


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Visit the Mangyan Village

The Mangyans are an indigenous group that has lived in the province for centuries. They have been slowly pushed to the mountains when other settlers have established their communities in the lowlands of Mindoro. The sub-group you will find in Puerto Galera is the Irayas. They have preserved their way of life despite the changes that took place in the province. You will find them at Sitio Talipanan’s Mangyan Village.


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Where to Stay in Puerto Galera

Puerto Galera is a developed tourist destination where you will find numerous hotels, guesthouses, and resorts for all budgets and types of travelers. The most common choice of where to stay is along White Beach. The area has several accommodation options for those who are backpacking and those willing to splurge. Here you will find many bars, restaurants, tour operators and dive shops. This is where most of the action takes place from day until night. Aninuan Beach is another place to consider staying in. There are some resorts here but is definitely not as crowded as White Beach.

For more options, search here: Puerto Galera Hotels


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